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Category: Articles

Immanuel Christmas Service

On the cherished day of December 25th, Immanuel is eagerly preparing to host a heartwarming Christmas Service, rejoicing in the miraculous birth of Jesus and

Prayers for Spiritual Revival

Heavenly Father, pour out Your Holy Spirit like a mighty flood into the hearts of all Your people, those who are called by Your name.

Online Prayer Meeting

We desire to connect Immanuel together so we can pray for each other and encourage one another while we are separated. Immanuels, join us virtually

Pentecost Service

The festival of Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem

Talent Market at Bronx church

Talent market was held for kids at the Bronx church on Pentecost Sunday and it was also National Children’s Day! Many parents volunteered and participated