> 2018 Immanuel Pentecost Retreat Reminds Great Love of God

2018 Immanuel Pentecost Retreat Reminds Great Love of God

2018 Immanuel Church Pentecost retreat began with a gracious opening service on May 19, where the meaning of Pentecost and the hope of the gathering was shared.

“Before for a long time it’s only very few people received the Holy Spirit. But now through the sacrifice of Jesus the new era of Holy Spirit open up to us. To the one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, and received the promised Holy Spirit,” the preacher emphasized.

Three lectures were given on Romans chapter 8 through out the day that reminded the listener the great love of God they have recieved.

“The gospel is free to us but it costs everything to Jesus. It costs God his only son. How much is our child worth ? It’s priceless. What will you do if you understand what God has to pay to save me? From today I don’t live my life but I am going to live my life for Him.”

After the lectures, there was the time of breaking bread in small groups, where the grace of God was shared and multiplied.

In the evening of May 19, a prayer meeting was led by Elim ministry. The power of prayer heal and renew many attendees’ hearts, enabling them to receive aundant love poured down by the grace of Holy Spirit.

Thank God for opening up this new era of Holy Spirit, all who call on the name of Jesus can be saved and received the promised gift.