> Northeast 2017 Easter Retreat Full of God’s Blessings and Grace

Northeast 2017 Easter Retreat Full of God’s Blessings and Grace

Northeast 2017 Easter Retreat Full of God’s Blessings and Grace
APR.21 2017
0421 news
Following the Easter Sunday message, there was a time of testimony in Northeast 2017 Easter retreat. In total, 17 people gave their testimonies, revealing the blessings and grace of God poured out on the retreat. Most of all, the attendees were deeply touched in coming to know the true meaning of the cross and the resurrection through the retreat time.

Below are some of the extracts from the testimony time:


”During this Easter retreat, I was reminded that the message of the cross is the power of God for us who share the faith in Jesus-Christ resurrection. The sermons taught me that there is meaning and purpose to our sufferings and hardships. The cross gives us the assurance that we can overcome loneliness and despair with faith and prayers. During this Easter retreat, I was full of joy, because I found more meaning and more reasons to pursue my journey of faith with God. I am also thankful for all testimonies, songs, our children participation to Easter celebration and our fellowship. It was truly a blessing.” God Bless!


” Before traveling to the retreat, there was so many obstacles and excuses not to attend. My flesh was rejecting the invitation because I did not want to make the effort. Therefore I was coming up with excuses but I had a dream the night before to attend the retreat. I felt it was God talking to me and immediately I decided to attend the retreat. Thank God! I decided to join the retreat! I was so blessed! Especially the Bible study was so deep. Before the retreat, I was told that the Church holds firmly to the orthodox Biblical teachings and I felt this is true. It was such a blessing to be part of the retreat attendants. The Olivet Church members were so kind and warm, it is a very beautiful spiritual family. I feel privileged to be a part of the retreat and I want to follow God’s calling by serving in God’s kingdom.”

Ahran Wo:

“What is knowing God? What is believing Jesus? I got to meditate a lot about the cross during the retreat. Believing Jesus and his resurrection, knowing that Jesus has risen again, it was a shock to know that I can only truly know this through realizing Jesus’ love. It was not through the knowledge or understanding of God but only through love.

The love makes a united heart with Jesus, and it brings life to our hearts. Jesus Christ, God, and Maria are united. The love that Maria had, even loving Jesus’ death,I felt that it was the heart of God as well. They are feeling the same pain and love together. I didn’t think about God’s heart until now. I thought of God as only the almighty, who is emotionless. But during today’s sermon, I felt God’s heart, how he was also in unbearable pain, and furthermore how his heart is full of love. Also, Pastor Peter’s lecture about looking at the cross made me asking the question to myself, am I looking at the cross? I want to meditate on the cross more, get to know God and be immersed by his love in every step I make.”

Jonathan Thomas:

“The grace I received helped me further understand the profundity of Jesus’s crucifixion. I knew in my mine that Jesus died for my sins, but I received in my heart that Jesus died for my past, present and future sins. This is something that gave me even more courage. I feel a greater freedom, and a greater drive to aggressively pursue my destiny. I feel as though in my heart I more clearly understood my redemption.