> Church Summer Retreat, A Time to Discover “The Kingdom of God”

Church Summer Retreat, A Time to Discover “The Kingdom of God”

This summer, Immanuel Presbyterian Church hosted its annual retreat with the powerful theme “The Kingdom of God”, centering on Romans 6-8. The retreat provided a space for believers to deeply explore what it means to live as part of God’s Kingdom and how this impacts their everyday lives.

The retreat kicked off with an opening worship service titled Welcomed into the Kingdom of God. The message, based on Romans 6:1-14, focused on the transformative power of Jesus’ death and resurrection, emphasizing that believers are no longer slaves to sin but alive in Christ. This teaching encouraged participants to live in the freedom and grace that comes from being part of God’s Kingdom. As they meditated on the passage, they reflected on the call to live under grace, not under the law.

On the second day, the focus shifted to Romans 7, which explores the tension between the law and the believer’s struggle with sin. The teaching challenged participants to acknowledge their weaknesses but also to embrace the victory that comes through Jesus. In small group discussions, participants shared their personal battles with sin and how God’s grace has given them the strength to overcome. The key takeaway was the reminder that despite their struggles, they are no longer condemned because they are in Christ.

The third day of the retreat centered on Romans 8, which speaks of the life believers have through the Holy Spirit. A seminar titled “Life in the Spirit: A New Way to Live” unpacked the message that those who are led by the Spirit are children of God. Attendees were encouraged to embrace their identity as God’s children and live boldly, knowing that nothing can separate them from His love. The focus was on living victoriously through the Holy Spirit’s power, not through their own efforts.

Throughout the retreat, the overarching theme of “The Kingdom of God” was woven into every session and activity. Attendees were reminded that being part of God’s Kingdom means living a life marked by grace, freedom from sin, and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. They were called to reflect on how they could bring the Kingdom of God into their everyday lives—whether through acts of love, service, or sharing the gospel with others.

The final worship service focused on Romans 8:31-39, reminding participants of God’s unwavering love and the assurance that nothing can separate them from that love. This closing message brought a sense of peace and joy to the group, knowing that as members of God’s Kingdom, they are secure in His love and grace.

This retreat offered the church community a rich opportunity to grow in their understanding of God’s Kingdom and their identity in Christ. It equipped them to live more fully in the freedom and power of the Holy Spirit and inspired them to be ambassadors of the Kingdom in their daily lives. Participants left feeling spiritually renewed and ready to continue their journey of faith with a deeper understanding of the hope and glory found in the Kingdom of God.