> Graceful Testimonies are Given after the Easter Gathering

Graceful Testimonies are Given after the Easter Gathering

A three-day Easter gathering in Dover was full of grace. During the lectures, prayers, and worship night, an abundance of God’s grace touched the hearts of many who attended the Easter gathering. The last day of the gathering concluded with testimonies and below are some of the testimonies.

“I was physically tired but I got to know and understand the pain of Jesus. Through this I started relying more on Him. As the retreat began, God showed me so many flaws in me, I could relate to Peter who was bold, but I would speak certain things out of brashness. As I was listening to the Word, my flaws were revealed but the truth is that I need to embrace them,” expressed Michael Ford. (Dover)

“I came with a feeling of revenge due to an incident of robbery that I had before coming to the retreat. But those feelings went away during the retreat. I also learned from the children, they grow with a lot of love and purity. I can see them express their love. Jesus is love and I also wish to love how they love,” commented Patrick. (New Haven)

“I grew up in church and am familiar with church. We do things in our daily life but God wants us to work for Him. The greatest thing is to use our given talent for God. I was hurt when my parents told me that I am useless without a proper job. But what meaning can I find just working in the world. I want to do some mission works and I’m looking for a meaningful work with purpose. My life is for the Lord,” testified Annie. (New Haven)

“I always had a question about love. I learned the close relationship between love and patience. I learned what love is. From the sermon, I realized how precious it is to love God and follow Him, feeding His sheep. This is my second retreat and through this I feel my faith grew more and stronger and I can have a heart to receive these words. I’m so thankful to have experienced all these,” said Aaron. (Boston)