> Gracious Testimonies Shared in 2017 Christmas Retreat

Gracious Testimonies Shared in 2017 Christmas Retreat

Attending the 2017 East Coast Christmas retreat at Dover, NY, members from Immanuel Church received a lot of grace. During the last day of the tesimony time, two young members from the Bronx also shared their testimony:

Brother Christian shared that “God said where two or three gather in His name He is there. Even though we are all sinners God wants to love us. Every time I come to the retreat I feel that I am in the United Nations. We are saved by the grace of God. It has felt as the best Christmas. You can’t love by yourself. God created us to love.

Brother Tyrone said that through the study on the book of Romans chapter 5 he realized how serious the consequence of one man’s sin is. “There is someone that may be impacted because of my sin and suffer for my mistakes. This makes me more fearful and conscious of my sin and it penetrated my heart.”

Immanuel Church ministers prayed that through holding regular retreats, members can grow to konw deeper the love of God revealed through the grace of Jesus Christ, and live newly for God’s kingdom!