> Jubilee Praise & Prayer Night Focuses on Encountering God with New Souls

Jubilee Praise & Prayer Night Focuses on Encountering God with New Souls

Jubilee Praise and Prayer night will be held on November 16th, in collaboration with Immanuel Church.

The praise and prayer night, titled “Encountering God,” will be geared toward newcomers and potential new members. Mission staff prays for students to receive a time of healing, renewal, and commitment to the Lord as they meet Him deeply. With live instrumental music being an important aspect throughout the praise night to facilitate deeper prayers before God, Jubilee focuses on searching skillful, sincere keyboardist and drummer to work with. Time will be given for musicians to receive prayers as well, so they may also be filled by the grace of God through individual worship.

Let the wave of the Holy Spirit sweep through God’s workers as they prepare, to be fueled with Christ’s compassion and grace, bringing the lost souls home to God’s embrace.